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Possibilities Beyond Limits



NUGETTS Club, Cell & Chapter 

NUGETTS Club is the umbrella body of students, Fresh Graduates  and NYSC member groups that is affiliated to NUGETTS. It is a platform for STEM students and Fresh graduates to come together and get enlightenment on new technology trends in the various, STEM fields as it relates to different industries with a Focus on Renewable Energy, Oil and Gas, Electric vehicles, Mechanized agriculture. 

NUGETTS Cells is the smallest unit of NUGETTS Club structure, set up in locations such as University, NYSC LGA location, LGA council, Polytechnic, etc.  NUGETTS Cell is founded by the first 25 persons to register their membership in that locality. 25 persons is the minimum number of persons required to form the NUGETTS Cell. A cell can also number more than 25 but max of 40 persons. 

NUGETTS Chapter is made up of several cells in a locality. The locality is normally not bigger that a Local government area. There is no limit to the number of cells that can make up a Local Chapter, but all must be within a L.G.A. to for the Local Chapter of the Club. A group of all the local chapters combine to form the state chapter. The local chapter is headed by a Chapter Lead, while the group of Local chapters in the state is led by a Group head.

The first cell to form in a locality will conduct a cell election online to choose 5 persons to occupy the roles of:

  • Cell lead
  • Cell Assistant Lead
  • Cell Secretary
  • Cell I.T coordinator
  • Cell Logistics coordinator

Same process takes place to choose Local chapter officials and State Chapter officials of 5 members at each level.


Start a NUGETTS Cell

If there is no NUGETTS Cell in your locality, you can fill this EOI form and get in touch with us.


Final Year Thesis Library

This is a link to the final year repository. It is accessible only to NUGETTS Club members


Research Institutions link

If you are in your final year and writing your project or Msc. thesis, you can access information from other research institutions all over the world with which we have an open communication channel. This is for NUGETTS club members only.


Industry Mentor links

We are working on getting a pool of industry veterans that can assist in mentoring younger ones right from your final year through, early years as a graduate. They can provide you with useful guidance on building your career, job interview preparations, useful information on employment opportunities, etc, that can help you career to thrive. This is open to NUGETTS Club members only.